Leon JohnOXLEYA funeral service for Leon John Oxley (79) of Barton-upon-Humber, who passed away on 4th June 2019, was conducted by Reverend David Rowett at Woodlands Crematorium, Scunthorpe on Friday 21st June 2019. Family mourners attending: Mrs. Janet Oxley, Mr. Jonathan Oxley & Mrs. Emily Oxley, Mr. Mark Oxley & Mrs. Leah Ralph, Mr. Eliot Ralph Oxley & Mr. Marcus Ralph Oxley, Mr. Simon Oxley & Mrs. Andrea Oxley, Jessica, Rosie & Dylan Oxley, Ms. S. Oxley & Mr. K. Edwards (also rep. Mr. M. Edwards), Mrs. Judy Spencer & Mr. Maurice Spencer, Mrs. Lynn Grayson & Mr. Rob Grayson, Miss J. Oxley, granddaughter, Mrs. A. Palmer (also rep. Mr. G. Palmer, Christopher & Steven),cousin Others attending included: Mr. & Mrs. J. Leaning, Mr. & Mrs. R. Robinson, Mr. R. Pike (also rep. Ann Avery), Mr. S. Garfoot, Mr. B. Laker, Mr. A. Chapman (also rep. Tony Pearson, Rob Hutchinson & Glen Lawson), Mr. C. Kirton, Mr. N. Jacques, Cllr. P.J. Smith (also rep. Brigg Town Council), Mrs. K. Jarvill, Mr. E. Longbottom (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. M. Papworth), Ms. W. Altoft, Dr. A. Muralee, Mrs. J. Gardiner, Ms. C. Eastoe, Miss L. Maddison, Mrs. L. Kirk, Mrs. M. Sidell, Cllr. & Mrs. K. Vickers (also rep. Cllr. & Mrs. P. Vickers), Mr. & Mrs. I. Crawshaw (also rep. Jordan), Mrs. K. Newmarch, Miss I. Newmarch, Mrs. M. Bratley, Mrs. C. McCollin, Mr. J. French (also rep. Barton Civic Society, Andrew Robinson, Jeremy Crook), Mr. & Mrs. J. Evison, Mayor & Mayoress of North Lincolnshire, Mr. & Mrs. J. Sanderson, Mayor & Mayoress of Barton-upon-Humber, Mr. & Mrs. J. Drayton, Mrs. J. Barnett (also rep. The Old Mill), Mrs. J. Smurthwaite (also rep. Ada Flowers Trust), Mrs. J. Huteson, Mr. D. Brighton, Mr. D. Johnson (also rep. Sue & Andy Johnson), Mr. B. Pettifer (also rep. Mrs. V. Pettifer), Mr. Dennis Cressey (also rep. Dean Cressey), Mr. G. Koshy, Mr. B. Shakespeare, Mr. & Mrs. B. Moore, Mr. K. Gatland (also rep. Barton Lions), Mr. & Mrs. L. Fish, Miss J. Dent, Mr. & Mrs. K. Mitchell, Mr. K. Ready, Mr. I. Juddins, Mr. J. Wheeldon, Mr. T. Treasure (also rep. Barton Rotary Club), Mr. & Mrs. D. Swift, Miss P. Bennett (also rep. Tesco, Barton-upon-Humber), Mr. & Mrs. J. Walker (also rep. Walker Family & Wilderspin National School), Mr. M. Hills, Mrs. M. Dyer (also rep. Mrs. A. Clark, Senior Alliance & Wednesday Link Club), Mr. K. Dorey, Mr. B. Camp, Mr. & Mrs. G. Clark (also rep. Ms. S. Richards), Mr. & Mrs. R. Goodge, Mr. & Mrs. B. Newton, Mr. & Mrs. S. Thompson, Mrs. C. Clayton, Mr. & Mrs. B. Blagdon, Mr. C. Crank, Miss J. Kent, Cllr. N. Pinchbeck, Mr. C. Sobey, Mr. V. Foster (also rep. Barton Junior Football Club), Mr. A. Foster, Mr. M. Welch (also rep. Mr. I. Welch), Mr. & Mrs. P. Kipling (also rep. Barton Rotary Club), Mr. J. Trowsdale (also rep. Barton Junior Football Club), Mr. M. Vickers M.P., Mr. D. Hornby, Mrs. B. Lait (also rep. Mr. B. Lait), Miss D. Lait (also rep. Mrs. S. Walton), Mr. B. Troop, Deputy Mayor, Mr. & Mrs. P. Bradley, Mr. G. Bains (also rep. Mrs. J. Bains), Capt. A. Bowden, Dr. T. Birtwhistle (also rep. Blue Coat Charity), Mr. & Mrs. A. Todd (also rep. Dr. Mike Horton), Mrs. J. Bigouroux-Jacklin, Mr. & Mrs. K. Noons (also rep. Mr. R. Noons), Mr. C. Andrew (also rep. Mrs. C. Andrew), Mr. & Mrs. R. Patterson, Mr. D. Murray (also rep. Barton Fire Service), Mr. & Mrs. J. Lord, Mr. F. Coulsey, Mrs. V. Robinson, Mrs. C. Thornton (also rep. Barton Town Council), Mr. & Mrs. W. Witter (Ada Flowers Trust), Mr. M. Shepherd, Mr. & Mrs. G. Smaller, Miss V. Smaller, Miss A. Brack (also rep. Leighton Brack & Barton Lions), Mr. M. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. T. Whitley, Mr. F. Martinson, Mr. D. Broddley (also rep. Barton Lions), Mrs. J. Gibson (also rep. Saturday Club), Mrs. J. Tuplin, Mrs. E. Hinxman (also rep. Barton Rotary Club), Miss T. Day (also rep. Barton Well Being Hub), Miss C. Spencer, Mrs. L. Spencer, Mrs. J. Doust, Miss A. Du Bois, Mrs. A. Henshaw, Major B. Jeffrey, Major J. McCrossan, Mrs. V. Kulleseid Funeral arrangements were by H & HJ Huteson & Sons of Barton-upon-Humber, Immingham & Winterton.
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